Rising Grocery Prices and How to Save so you CAN eat healthy!
2021 is quite a year and the rising price of EVERYTHING has hit us all with our family. Stretching each dollar is vital right now and I...

Get your Groove Back- Using Food, Faith and Fitness for Busy Momm'as
FREE WEBINAR FOR YOU! Overwhelmed? Exhausted? You can achieve balance and lose weight while still maintaining your home, spouse,...

Thriving not Surviving Social Distancing
Today is what feels like the first "official" day of social distancing. Schools are out, the weekend is over and our oldest didn't go to...

Finding Faith in the Midst of Trials
Three years ago as we sold our home in Richmond, VA and headed to Camp Lejune NC we had no idea what was in store for our lives, other...
7 Hacks To Stay Motivated With the Winter Blah's
Has the cold weather gotten to you? For many, this time of year can be difficult. You have months before spring and New Year's...

Try These Balls!
Second Trimester is coming with some serious need to refuel but still not a whole lot of energy. My daughter and I love making these...
Top 5 Tips for Erasing Emotional Eating
Have you been there before? You get home from a long day at work and need to feel "better" so you reach for the sweetest, saltiest food...
30 Day FITMAS Craze -WOAH!
It's almost time for Meg's annual Fit-Mas Challenge for YOU. So how do you know if you need a Fit-Mas Craze Challenge? 1. Do you feel...

Meg's Top Books for Weight Loss (HINT: Most have nothing to do with food..!)
This year one of my goals was to read MORE books. Ya'll, I hated books in college but now, that I have found my passion I LOVE reading!...

Confessions of a Mom
To all those mother's out there, praying, protecting and giving their best at motherhood, a high five and shoutout to you today....